Individual Price Quote Request

Full Name:
Website Characteristics
Please describe your website: blog, forum, e-commerce etc.
Please provide the CMS type of your website: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, custom etc.
Approximate maximum number of visitors per day:
Average page generation time, ms (leave blank if not sure):
Maximum number of simultaneous user connections per second your site should be able to handle (leave blank if not sure):
Required disk space, Mb (leave blank if not sure):
Additional services required (you may select all of them), we will contact you regarding services details: CMS theme design
Banner design
CMS customization

If our operators are busy you may click the chat button and leave a message or send us SMS to 1-415-685-3952
What you can host with EC:
Static or PHP based website. Any "heavy" CMS: Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento etc.
Any PHP based startup: start with $4/month "to check an idea" and easily scale up when your project becomes popular.
What People are Saying
"I have used the web design services from EasyCloud and now I host my website here. The support is professional and friendly. They explained me everything I needed, they have designed and coded my website just like I wanted..." (more)
"Our wiki website is hosted with EasyCloud. We advertise it a lot and have thousands of visitors every day but it never influenced the smooth work of the website. This is the hosting we would recommend to everyone..." (more)
"...Previously, I have changed many hosting companies, every one had a low CPU limit and it was not enough for using my Wordpress blog the way I needed. They asked me to upgrade and pay more and more for hosting. The price at EasyCloud is equal to shared hosting price but there are no CPU limits here..." (more)
Elisabeth D., Ukraine